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Reasons we invest in Gold and Silver bullion?

Gold and Silver offers ownership of a physical asset outside of the monetary system. For thousands ofyears it has been used as money. Since its inception, the dollar has lost over 95% of its value due tomoney printing, low interest rates, Government deficit spending. Precious metals is a long terminvestment that has not deteriorated over time. Regardless of where you have your dollars stored,inflation is stealing the purchasing power of your savings. Gold and silver allows you to invest in aphysical asset that is not affected by inflation.

What type of Gold and Silver do we offer?

We focus on the most popular easiest to recognize bullion products only. We’ve done this throughyears of research with the sole intention of easing the selling process later on. When investing inPrecious Metals, you want something that is widely recognized and can be easily traded or sold at spotmarket price so you can confidently call anyone in the country when you are ready to sell.

Should I be investing in Gold OR Silver?

At current prices dated 2022, both Gold and Silver offers investors great upside potential. Gold is a lotmore stable in price. Gold costs more to own less metal and makes a good choice for investors wantingto put a lot of value in a small space.Silver is much more reasonably priced allowing you to own a lot more metal. Silver fluctuates and is alot more volatile. Yet if you can handle the bulk weight, and volatility, we anticipate a significant upwardmovement in Silver value. Silver is one of the only undervalued commodity that still trades at less than50% of its all time high. This is going back prior to 1975.

What are numismatic coins?

Numismatic coins in coin shops usually are coins with values much higher than the amount of metal itcontains. These numismatics are usually sold individually and often times graded for quality. Thesecoins may command a higher price than spot, but we feel it is a trap for investors trying to secure theirfuture through precious metals. Finding a buyer for your specific numismatic coin will be difficult. Themore value it has, the smaller the buyer market will be. Our recommendation is always to stick topopular bullion products we sell to get the most value for your money that is easily recognizable to betraded or sold to any broker.

I worry about my privacy. What information is necessary to complete a transaction?

We are bound by the Patriot Act, Know Your Customer, Anti Money Laundering laws and need to be inline with the IRS regulations. We need to obtain certain personally identifiable information whichincludes but is not limited to: first and last name, email address, telephone number, mailing address,billing address, country of residence, financial information. All information you disclose to use will fallunder our privacy policy.Customer must give accurate information, represent themselves, and must be 18 years of age or older.The recipients of all packages must be signed by someone over the age of 18.Any false or misleading information will void the agreement and/or may be penalized by law. We willnot share your personal information with any third party.

What kind of payment do we accept?

To comply with the Patriot Act and Money Laundering laws, we accept only Bank Wire, AutomatedClearing House (ACH), and Personal Check for payment of bullion products.Bank wire or ACH transfer is preferred as it usually occurs within 4 business days and we can emailconfirm your order and quickly send your order out in within a few days. We do not accept bank wiresfrom foreign banks, third party checks (money order, cashiers check, travelers check), or cash.A personal check can also be sent and must be received in 5-7 days or risk cancelling the order andpenalty.We require a credit card when you put in an order. Buying of of Gold and Silver bullion is a contractualagreement due to fluctuations in the market. Your credit card will be charged a 5% on total ordershould we not receive a wire within 4 days or personal check within 5-7 days.

How much should I invest in Precious Metals?

Investing in anything depends on investment goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, and overall financial situation. Invest money you don’t plan on spending at all. This would give you the best long term scenario window for you to sell your metals at a higher price and handle the normal fluctuations in price without losing sleep. Understand that this sector can be volatile over the short term.

Why doesn’t your sell price drop when spot price drops?

Gold and Silver brokers have a very small profit margin on all transactions. In the short term, we often buy Gold and Silver at spot plus premium. So regardless of a drop in spot price, dealers will not sell it for less than it was purchased for unless we purchase more bullion at a lower price in a sense dollar costing in. But this will take time for us to accumulate more Gold and Silver at a lower price.

Why don’t we store Gold and Silver for our clients?

Plans for construction of a storage facility of customers metals are in the future. It is a timely, costly process to secure your valuable assets.Taking delivery puts your valuable assets completely under your control to use when you need it.Although cumbersome, and a bit of a risk, having precious metals at your side will give you peace ofmind and easy access when the time is right.